Saturday, April 9, 2016

April 9 2016

The rain didn’t come.
Good news, depending.

Like the dog days,
when it’s hard, torrential, cleansing
pelting down.
Shrink-wrapped, in sodden clothes
or stripped to the skin,
slick, brown
Knowing hot sun
can’t be far behind
steaming dry.

Or mixed,
when spring
is prying winter’s grip
from a world encased in ice.
Slop, rain, sleet
tipping to snow.
Because it’s on the margins
where things rub-up against
we are most alive.
The ecstasy, and discontent
of a change in the weather,
and chance.

Or gentle, almost mist
on the ochre leaves of fall.
The fields gleaned
dormant trees
resting buds.
Hard brown stubble
and watery light,
the expectancy
of wood-smoke.
The first day
you can see your breath;
when the cold
cuts to the quick
and you clutch your jacket tight.

Showers and cloud, the weatherman said
with a crooked smile
as if to apologize.
As if life 
were an ongoing picnic
Sundays in the park.
As if you were never in the mood for rain,
and the lush green world
mere camouflage.

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