Thursday, May 5, 2011

Election Calendar
May 5 2011

It is election season.
Early spring
with brown lawns, and bare trees.
And signs sprouting in party colours,
boldly proclaiming
allegiance, identity

Dirty ice
persists in the shadows
in pitted granular mounds,
desperately hanging on.
Like a war-horse politician,
who could never hold
a real job.

The buds are small, hard, tightly clenched.
Like penny-pinching citizens,
who feel over-taxed
and under-served.

The sky is a uniform grey,
as predictable as the suit and tie
that adorns the beaming candidate,
glad-handing surly voters.
And as leaden as the speech he gave
to the local Rotarians,
the party line
and platitudes and boiler plate
we find so reassuring.

Loads of leaves
are slowly decomposing,
matted together on unraked lawns.
Like the largesse
by spendthrift politicians.

And like taxes and death
election day eventually comes,
winner take all.
Who is generous in victory,
thrilled, honoured
in debt.
And the gracious concession speech
of his rival,
he so humbly accepts.

Followed by summer
when we’ll have had more than enough
of politics.

Then winter, again,
the season of discontent
and broken promises.
When a beautiful blanket of snow
mercifully covers-up
our sins.
When the frost
puts a stop
to all that phoney posturing.
And hot air
can’t outlast the cold.

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