Alone With Your Thoughts
Feb 24 2024
In a sound proof cell
you can hear yourself think.
Which is why solitude
is so hard,
and why we seek distraction
so desperately,
less and less able
to be alone with our thoughts.
Where you can hear
the rush of blood in your ears,
passing down your throat.
The complex anatomy
of swallowing
you simply took for granted,
like every other bodily function
you depend upon.
The heart
echoing in your chest
second after second
and year after year.
Which is too close to mortality
to want to hear;
beating inexhaustibly
every moment you’re alive
until you’re not.
It's as if the silence has texture,
dull, flat, claustrophobic;
the perforated tile
and thick absorbent padding
soaking up each oscillation of air
that makes a sound,
so not even a single iota
ever comes back to you.
Your own words
sound hollowed-out
The closest thing imaginable
to the dead silence
that only wealth can buy.
A desert island
or gated refuge
far from the hoi polloi.
But in the sprawling cosmopolis
where the rest of us are
silence is impossible.
How precious
quiet has become.
So much noise my ears hurt
voice is nearly gone,
and even my anguished cries
will go unheard;
so lost
in the cacophony
why listen anymore?
Even here
in this padded cell
alone with my thoughts.
The silence
I so desperately sought,
yet my racing mind
can't quiet itself.