Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Sensible Dogs - July 23 2023


Sensible Dogs

July 23 2023

The dogs have a 6th sense

about weather,

hunkering down

on this dull day

of cold blustery rain.

Without a weather report

or even a look outside

they sleep hours more.

Could it be barometric pressure


a sensitive nose?

Because somehow

they know in their bones

and are content to stay.

I watch as they paw the blankets,

excavating a cozy space

to nest in.

Then with great seriousness

circle again-and-again

before curling up

in a tight ball

at the foot of my bed.

I urge them off;

but they simply look up

with puppy eyes,

wagging their tails

and cocking their heads.

I try to hustle them out,

but they pointedly balk

and refuse to budge.

As I said,

sensible creatures

who know enough

to come in out of the rain.

No longer the puppies

they once were,

venturing out in every weather

keen to play.

Like the wild creatures from whom they've come

their default state

is sleep,


conserving energy

staying safe.

And domesticated as they've become

are comfort queens,

who know a good thing

when they see one.

But I have no 6th sense

and head out into the downpour,

because there's much to be done

and so little time.

And in our odd family of 3

   —  1 human, 2 dogs  —

it's up to me;

if I don't

no one will.

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