Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Enough - May 22 2023



May 22 2023

There's a movie

about a man who learns to say yes

to just about everything.

As if this is how to lead

the fully realized life.

I am not this man.

Yes, I fear missing out.

Yes, I know I live

only once.

And yes, the opportunity of a lifetime

has likely passed me by.

But I still said no;

I saw the ad, but never watched it

so don't know how it turns out.

Because there's much to be said for no.

Unstructured time.

Space, to be in the moment.

And whatever dimension it takes

for thoughtfulness.

I'm not rushing through life,

even though I know

when the final credits roll

and the end is near

I will not be done.

But then, no one is.

Yes, you could say I'm settling.

But instead of what?

Of always wanting more

and never satisfied?

Of busyness

for its own sake?

Of racing faster and faster

just to keep up?

How about, instead of yes


No hot-house orchids

or fancy bouquet,

just the roses

thank you very much.

An even dozen

simply arranged;

luscious, redolent, red

in a clear glass vase.

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