Friday, May 12, 2023

All the Time in the World - May 7 2023


All the Time in the World

May 7 2023

They say regular as clockwork.

The earth

spinning on its axis

as infallibly as ever,

circling the sun

as the calendar would have it.

The well-choreographed dance

of planets and stars,

the great array of galaxies

wheeling through the cosmos

on their predetermined paths.

But the universe

is not nearly as ordered as it seems.

Not when I notice

how much faster time goes

the older I get;

how the days accelerate

and months compress.

Where's the regularity there?

What was once abundant

becoming scarcer,

what I used to squander

now cherish

and wish for even more.

How time, like any depleting resource

appreciates in value

the older I get.

While I myself slow.

My sand, emptying out,

the coiled metal

of my tightly wound spring

incrementally relaxing

until there's little tension left.

When the clock will have stopped

my time have been spent;

hands fixed

at the moment of death.

Yes, I know, no one's turning back the clock.

But would constancy

be asking too much?

How ironic

to see time going faster

when there's less and less.

They told me this, when I was young.

But with the arrogance of youth

I thought nothing of it,


as if I had all the time in the world

and nothing to fear.

Didn't want to write this, because I’ve written it before. A tired topic. But I somehow started in, and had to finish what I began. No wasted words . . .lol!

And there is always the thought that this one will finally nail it, consign all the earlier efforts to the trash.

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