Sunday, January 22, 2023

Life's Cruel Arithmetic - Jan 20 2023


Life's Cruel Arithmetic

Jan 20 2023

The leopard was beautiful.

His iconic coat.

His steely eyes.

His noble head, held high.

And the easy gait

of his long lithe form,

the power

barely contained

beneath his supple silky skin.

In the still photo, mid-stride

the big cat

has a monkey by the head.

He walks calmly, impassively

firmly gripping his prize,

while her small helpless baby

fiercely clings

to the dead mother's body.

Desperately, I would say;

but this presumes the baby

understands death

and is aware of its fate.

I am told

he toyed with it for an hour

before the final kill,

the way a kitten

would bat at a plush toy,


with a cat's liquid grace

on padded paws and supple joints.

I can't tell you how deeply disturbed

I was by this.

How the image persists,

the visceral sense

of horror and pathos

continues to weigh on me.

But life's cruel arithmetic

is inexorable;

that predator and prey

will always exist,

and that in order to live

there must be death.

Which may explain

but hardly consoles.

People's Choice

for Photographer of the Year Award”.

Perhaps a warning was in order

for sensitive souls

and those who romanticize nature.

But there was no such thing,

and as I scrolled unwittingly down

admiring the pictures

was forced to face reality.

That beauty and cruelty

must coexist.

That motherly love

is universal.

That with life

comes suffering.

And that while we may kill for sport

animals kill to survive.

A quick clean death

I can only hope.

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