Friday, November 25, 2022

False Hope - Nov 13 2022


False Hope

Nov 13 2022

I'm thinking of false hope,

false dawns,

false promises.

They argue there’s no such thing;

hope is hope

nothing fraudulent about it.

And I've never seen a false dawn

find it hard to even imagine;

because the earth's motion is clockwork,

and the one sure thing

is that the sun will come up tomorrow.

But I've had success snatched away

expectations disappointed,

and so understand

if this is strictly metaphor

   —  the clouds briefly lifting

a stray beam of light.

False promises, of course

have existed forever;

the liars and con-men,

serial seducers,

career politicians.

As well as the things we promise ourselves —

our best intentions

and earnest resolutions.

And since every promise is contingent

how is one to judge?

Is it the sincere attempt

or bad outcome?

Was there intent to deceive

or honest aspiration?

I know that I, for one

failed to live up to it.

Choose whatever word you wish;

my potential



Especially now, so late in the day,

when it's long past dawn

and drawing to a close.

But it's still hard to tell

falsehood from truth.

Because nothing is so absolute

as black and white

right and wrong

true and false.

And, after all, I've done some things well.

How distressing to think

I once believed

I'd grow wiser with time,

that the end of life

would bring wisdom



Instead, I'm confused as ever;


eludes me still.

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