Sunday, December 12, 2021

In Need of Repair - Dec 12 2021


In Need of Repair

Dec 12 2021

If nothing changed, time would be immaterial.

An interregnum

of perfect calm.

And in this moment,

sitting receptively

looking out at snow softened ground

in the cold winter light

it does seem the world is fixed,

and that holding my breath

in this state of drift

would let it remain still;

in need of repair

and still hurtling through space

but the illusion absolute.

Except the sun is low

shadows lengthen

and my lungs are burning for air.

So the clock ticked on, after all;

the moment lost

the light almost gone.

Because cells keep dying

and being reborn.

Because life can't stop

and time is inexorable.

As Atlas

could only suffer so long

before even he almost faltered and broke;

bending beneath

the weight of the world

and letting it fall from grace.

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