Friday, December 10, 2021

Even Less to Waste - Dec 4 2021


Even Less to Waste

Dec 4 2021

I was too young to tell the truth.

When I read this, it made perfect sense.

How our younger selves

are so desperate to fit in,

feel so needy to please

that they say what they think

is expected of them.


behind the thin shroud

that separates who they are

from their carefully constructed persona,

anxiously hoping

they won't be caught.

But when you no longer seek approval.

When there is little time left

and even less to waste.

When you feel free to be you,

so you not only speak your truth

you stop fooling yourself.

Age brings infirmity

and often disappointment.

You look in the mirror

and don't recognize yourself.

But while you may be older and slower

you are wiser, as well;

defiantly open,

as if a great weight had been lifted

and the truth had set you free.

Yes, I envy the young

and their wasted youth.

But I am also relieved

that I can be so unafraid

so unselfconsciously blunt.

That I finally get to feel

so sure of myself

even if it hurts.

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