Monday, November 8, 2021

Daylight Saving - Nov 8 2021


Daylight Saving

Nov 8 2021

We fell back at 2 am,

and the hour we lost

in a sleep-deprived spring

was returned to us

if a little worse for wear.

Interest-free, mind you,

and no thanks for the hiatus.

So we're even now, made whole,

as well as fortified

by an extra hour of slumber

to help us face the dark.

Time, of course, is indifferent.

The earth has continued circling

the sun burning its fuel

and the universe hurtling outward,

oblivious to our accounting

and petty concerns.

The dark thoughts

I'm afflicted by

in this season of thin light;

the dormant months of lethal cold,

when time slows

and the weight of snow

turns it to ice.

A precious hour restored

but zero sum.

Our gain is only transient

and it feels like permanent night.

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