Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Rain Turns to Snow
Nov 4 2019

Rain turns to snow
and back again.

Such a fine balance,
teetering on the point of a pin
tipping this-way-then-that.

A breath of wind
imperceptible tremor;
a mote of dust
landing at random
a slight perturbation of sun.
The incalculable sum
of what little we know
and the innumerable things we don't.

Meanwhile, snow fills the air
but does not accumulate.
So the ground is the usual
dull brown fallow of fall,
cold and wet
in the flat grey light.

Soon, a shroud of snow
will be scoured by wind
and piled into drifts
and conceal our sins of neglect,
the chores we omitted
in preparing for winter
the scars that disfigure the land.
Transforming the lawn
    —   its stranded implements and rusting tools,
prickly weeds
and long-dead patches of grass   —
into a flawless white nirvana.

Then back, next spring
as seasons succeed
the circle turns.

But will this be the year
the balance is lost?
The heavy steadying weight
that, up to now
the centre has always found,
like a roly-poly toy
that tips but doesn't topple?

They talked of nuclear winter
then a hot-house earth;
a small disturbance you'd hardly notice
that exponentially grows.
And all I can do is watch.
A miserable day,
whip-sawed between unseasonable snow
and cold and bitter rain.

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