Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Think Tank
Oct 23 2013

Turns out the think tank
is a big glass aquarium.

Intellectuals are thrown in,
gang-up like piranhas
on contrarians.

Free thinkers can’t swim
especially vegetarians.
They haven’t learned to breathe,
too pleased
with the sound of their own voice.

There is a slick of chum
red-meat conservatives
whet their teeth on.

Prick the bubbles, gurgling up
and there’s a fishy smell.
Which can’t be helped
when you piss where you swim.

The tenured professors school.
While the government men
tend to the coral,
gleaning little morsels
where no one will notice them.

Free-market fundamentalists
are stream-lined barracuda.
Who preen in the myth of the self-made man,
while gobbling up the food
that drifts down from heaven.
And CEOs, cruising through
like imperial tuna.
You can put the big kahuna
in a little pond,
and he’ll still thunder on
about maximizing profit.

There is only so much air
in this self-contained world
of flat stagnant water.
Confused faces
smushed against the glass,
doleful fish eyes
peering out.

But we hardly notice
as we hurry past,
racing for the shark tank.

 No reason why I wrote this poem, except to have a little fun. I came across “think tank”, and the image I usually get when I read those words flashed momentarily. Which seemed to me a perfect starting point for some kind of mischief. If I’m being serious about anything, it’s my implied criticism of those more ideologically oriented think tanks and their tiresomely predictable results.

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