Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Steam Rising
Feb 07 2012

The road ascends
roughly north.
Away from the temperate shore
into thin astringent air.

There is open water
on the big lake
all winter long.
In the calm
steam rises
from its dense black surface.

But here, trees are sparse.
The cold has a sharp
relentless edge.
And heavy silence
my footsteps.
It stays light, these days.
But dusk comes quickly,
and night falls
like a heavy door
slammed shut.

They say we tend in one direction
I’m not sure which,
switch-back, and circle
to and fro.
Deep dry snow,
sinking over my boot tops
stumbling uncontrollably.
I burrow in
deep and warm.
Until morning
I hope.

When we pass
our names are written in stone
which we presume will last.
Mine is written in snow
by frozen hands
going fast.
Perhaps, at dawn
you will see my breath
retrace my path.

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