Sunday, February 12, 2012

Snow Day
Feb 12 2012

My breath turns to fog
heat off.
I sleep best in cold
held down
by the reassuring heft
of bedclothes,
stacked impossibly high

Trees creak, windows rattle,
as a north wind blasts
and the mercury sags
even lower.
Heavy comforters
tugged-up about my neck,
feet tucked snugly
body muffled.

The clock is turned
to face the wall,
curtains drawn.
School closed, work cancelled, roads
Or so I hope.

I am lighter than air,
the force of displacement
tugging me up
into wakefulness,
as the weight of lassitude
draws me back.
I grasp at fragments of dreams,
burrow into the heat
of the bed.
On the luxurious cusp
of sleep,
I teeter between
and need.

The urgency of the world recedes,
these sacrosanct walls
A snow day
has been called,
or did I dream it?
Either way,
let sleep reclaim me.
Let busyness wait
Let snow
blanket the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

beautifully restful. this is one of
your many best !

your anonymous fan