Friday, March 4, 2011

March Comes In . . .
Mar 3 2011

In March
the month of lions and lambs
and deadlines and tax
and I’m looking back, amazed
the New Year is already 3 months old;
the champagne flat
resolutions stale.
And idly wonder
if this snow is worth shovelling.
Will it melt in warm spring sun,
or will I spend weeks
mushing through fender-deep slush
re-frozen clumps
of ice?

The month of indecision
to the fickle whims
of Nature,
the lion and the lamb
somehow co-existing.
Although I suspect
the lamb doesn’t get much rest.

February gives permission
to eat and sleep —
sick days, and snow-stayed,
the vegetative state
of long cold nights.
And April, needless to say
is easy.

While March is a beautiful woman
with a caustic tongue,
a handsome lover
who cheats.
The month that would benefit most
from expensive therapy —
questioning its identity
wildly bipolar
sad from the absence of sun.

Spring will eventually come, of course.
In the meantime
I shovel some more,
a pride of hungry lions
roaring outside my door.

(As it is, I ended up shovelling!)