Saturday, February 2, 2008

May 23 2007

I do not believe in a peck on the cheek
or polite mourning.
I believe you must enfold her in two warm arms
and smother her in kisses;
and howl and keen your grief
kneeling in the dead of night.

I do not believe in fork-and-knife
or even measured bites;
but greasy fingers,
and platters overflowing,
and hallucinogenic naps
as if a steamroller had just flattened you,
leaning back with your belt undone.

I do not believe in wake-up calls
or alarm clocks,
but dreams that go uninterrupted.
As if you’d just made it up
stuffed with forbidden love
and flying above it all,
like free-fall.

I do not believe in being ruled by fear.
I believe in everything
and nothing,
no judgement or after-life.
Because I believe
it all happens right now
right here.

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