Sunday, October 17, 2021

Wind at My Back - Oct 17 2021


Wind at My Back

Oct 17 2021

If I face into the wind

and walk for as long as I can

  —   leaning in

eyes tearing, hair streaming behind  —

will I eventually get to its end?

Its force ebbing

the quiet deepening

until I enter an oasis of calm,

where the air is still

and the world at rest?

Where the wind begins.

Where the heat of the sun

seeps into the earth

and drives the great machine of  weather.

The watershed

from which it wells

and blows in every direction,

the mother of all the winds

south, east, west.

Today, it's from the north

strong and steady and fresh.

So the air is clear

the land has been scoured clean.

And the sound in the trees

thrills me with its power;

trunks creaking menacingly

leaves flapping frenetically

and rotten branches threatening

to crash to earth.

It feels almost effortless

walking with the wind at my back.

Like a tumbleweed, it takes me at its pleasure

and I happily accede,

relinquishing my will

to its unstoppable force.

As if I had a choice.

As if I ever had control.

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