Monday, June 22, 2020

June 21 2020

The basket of wet laundry
weighed more than I thought.
One-by-one, the pieces hung heavily,
until the line drooped
under a crayon box of shirts,
empty arms limp
colours dark.

That will smell of fresh cut grass
and backyard trees
and August heat.
The ineffable scent
of summer air,
suntan oil
and grilled meat
and the gasoline
that spilled when filling the mower.

Except in late afternoon
the wind picked-up
and clouds scudded in
and some drops began to fall.
When the world turned dark
and heavy rain poured down.

How suddenly things change
in hot humid weather.
Great grey clouds
rumbling with water,
updrafts of superheated air
colliding with cold.

A summer shower,
when the sky clears
and sun reappears
as quickly as it came.
When laundry power-dries,
and the sagging line lightens
billowing in the breeze.

Fresh-rinsed clothes
dried to bone
that smell of summer rain.

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