Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Lost Time
Feb 28 2020

Every 4 years
the calendar gets to correct itself.
Omission and error absolved,
without even a Hail Mary
or giving to charity
contrition or prayer.
If only we, too, could so easily move on,
transgressions forgiven
sins expunged.

Because the calendar is merely approximate
while physical law is inviolable,
and the earth, as it circles the sun
will not be deterred
by a glib declaration of man.

What a relief, this leap year must be
for those born on the 29th.
Who are orphaned most of the time,
celebrating birthdays in March
or elbowing in
on the legitimate progeny
of the day before.

But if only it fell
at the end of July,
an extra day of summer
instead of this bleak month;
the middle of winter
as the darkness is starting to lift
but not nearly enough.

When, on the 29th
we will catch up with lost time,
the universe
unfolding as it should;
the earth, steadily circling the sun,
and the galaxy's spiral arms
hurtling through the cosmos.
Day after day, from dawn to dusk
as month follows month
and the years add up.

When, as usual, we will also carry on
in all our virtue, vice, and doubt,
regardless of the calendar
and fully aware
there are no make-up days for us.

A leap year poem that contrasts a clockwork universe with our arbitrary conventions and feeble conceits, its eternal majesty with our pettiness and weaknesses. We are free to declare an extra day of summer, but summer will still be just as short. We can correct the errors that accumulate in our calendar, but cannot be so easily absolved of our own failure and sin.

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