Tuesday, March 10, 2020

High Carbon Chrome
March 5 2020

One good chef's knife
is all you really need.

A well-balanced instrument
with substance and heft.

A well-honed blade
of high-grade steel
that keeps its lethal edge.

And a generous handle
that's securely attached
and has a firm comfortable grip,
stable, but deft.

Then strop it razor sharp
and put it to the test.
On ripe tomatoes
halved, quartered, diced,
chopping veg
deboning meat
carving fine even slices.

Slipped beneath the mattress
when you go to bed each night.

Dangled overhead
sharp end pointing downward;
a constant reminder
of the dangerous world out there.

Safety first
so learn to use it well.

Protect yourself
so make sure no one tells.

And never forget
to keep your friends close
and your enemies closer.

And when it's all over
dry thoroughly,
to prevent rust
remove blood
eliminate the evidence.

Then, when you're done
set it back in its slot
in its sturdy wooden block,
securely ensconced
and safely sheathed.
At the back of the counter
out of reach of children.

Because one good chef's knife
is really all you need.

I'm not sure -- yet -- if this poem works. But I think it does. Kind of subversive. Sneaks up on you, says some shocking stuff, then matter-of-factly returns to its banal earnest recitation of the obvious. 

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