Tuesday, January 15, 2019

A Sound of Thunder
Jan 13 2019

I tightrope the narrow path
where others have packed the snow,
the heavy treads
of their comings and goings
frozen fast in time.
Following its meandering course;
where the first pathfinder stumbled, perhaps,
or in a moment of inattention
zigzagged left and right.

It is night,
and my headlamp's focused beam
is white on ghostly white;
distilled light
glinting off the virgin drifts
and picking up the sloping limbs
of freshly frosted trees.

Just a small misstep, and I'm up to my knees
in the soft deep snow
that shoulders-in on the path.
As in most things,
following in the footsteps
of those who came before;
that others have broken trail,
for the solid footing
that grounds me here.

I am reminded of that Ray Bradbury tale
of travellers to the distant past,
who must stick
to the strictly prescribed path
or put the future at risk;
a single blade of grass
inadvertently crushed,
a butterfly's wing
trapped underfoot.
that ripples out over time;
the errant step
that disproportionately magnifies.

Yet how tempted I am
to strike out on my own,
depart the well-trodden path
for the dark solitude
and majestic indifference
of uninhabited winter.
But the snow is impassable
excluding us all.

So I negotiate the narrow path
through the preternatural stillness
of the over-towering trees.
Walking by myself
yet depending upon the help
of all who came before.
And adding what I can
for those who come after.

The title is lifted from that Ray Bradbury short story. Thunder doesn't really fit with winter, but I think an homage was in order. And anyway, I've always rather like misdirection in a title.

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