Sunday, December 3, 2017

Ice Fog
Dec 2 2017

Ice fog, as evening descends,
turning the sky
a grey gauzy wash.
Water condensing, as the air cools,
and the full moon, a pale disc
in its softly lit corona.

I walk surrounded;
a dome of lunar light
enclosing me,
while the rest of the world
is lost to sight.

White snow, like a cat's retina
still brightly reflecting
despite the fog;
while the shadows are softly smudged,
a chiaroscuro painting
giving depth to the path.

I move through this space
of gentle contrast, watery shadow
with no need of artificial light.
The moon is enough,
nature provides.

Tonight, no stars.
Even the earth
has contracted around me;
an enchanted glow
like a winter cloak
I gather tight to my chest.

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