Wednesday, August 2, 2017

The Lilacs Grow Wild
Aug 1 2017

The lilacs grow wild
this time of year.

And their thick sweet scent
suspended in the humid air
is like a sugar high,
cotton candy
at the county fair.

In the dark green forest
lacy white blossoms
compete for meagre sun.
Where their redolent air
hangs heavy
against the fresh scent of spruce and pine,
cedar's zest
balsam's spice.

And where that old lady smell
seems so incongruous.
Powdered faces
with eyebrows drawn on.
Bright red lipstick
badly applied
in a tremulous line.
Little old ladies
who are over-perfumed
with lilac's cloying scent,
so out of place
in this wild woods.

And, like them, are also not long for this world.
Tall slender wands
that seem to emerge over-night,
and are gone
almost as fast.

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