Thursday, March 2, 2017

An older poem newly revised. Unfortunately, a formatting problem prevented me replacing it in its original chronological place. Instead, it's being posted fresh.

Double Negative
June 8 2010

He kept on saying “irregardless”.

The word was a sulky child
sweeping the checkerboard clear
before all was lost.
It was a bulldozer,
leveling every argument I could muster
valid or not.

But he was oblivious,
stubbornly persisting
with double negatives,
never mind that awful concoction of a word.
His preference is clearly for emphasis
illogic be damned.

In fact, he loved double negatives,
couldn’t get enough.
I didn’t do nothing
he protested,
unaware how accurate he was.
I tactfully pointed out his mistakes,
which only made him more enraged
scathingly itemizing mine.

Whatever, I finally said
seeking refuge in Zen indifference,
not to mention the moral high ground
of letting go.
So, does passive-aggressive
cancel out as well?

But it’s these internal contradictions
that make us human,
how love and hate
pleasure, pain
can co-exist
And irregardless
of cutting words, objects hurled,
that unforgettable
post-fight sex.

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