Wednesday, May 25, 2016

May 22 2016

The point of land
on the wind-swept shore
is mostly rock.
Thin soil
clings to sheltered spaces
fills the small indentations
and cracks.

The trees are also small
but surprisingly old.
Contorted, like little old men.
Trunks bent
by prevailing wind
so they all lean one way.

Weathered bark
is knobbly, thick,
while roots knuckle-in
with the tenacious grip
of drowning sailors.

I am standing alone, exposed;
no wind-break
no sheltering shade.
But mercifully free
of the biting bugs
that buzz all spring,
persecuting me
after a barren winter.

Tiny wild-flowers
hunker down
among scattered blades of grass.
The grass is short, and coarse
the flowers dazzling.
As beautiful
as finely cut jewels
set in something plain.

Because there is beauty in strength
and scarcity feeds desire.
And beauty to be found
in unexpected places
if you stop long enough
to look.

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