Saturday, July 18, 2015

July 15 2015

Hands at rest.

Or trembling hands
that worry beads
anxiously wring
or humbly entreat
clasped together in prayer.

And sure hands,
giving firm shakes, generous waves
thumbs-up, and A-OK.
That fist-bump, glad-hand
back-slap, and button-hole,
hand-clap in standing O's.

Human hands
that warm
Manly hands, that give and take
the rough embrace
of unaccustomed love.

That afflict the ticklish
'til he begs forgiveness,
tormenting with mirth.
That shake a fist
or flip the bird
or taunt him you’re in first.

You can pluck or pick, stroke or tweeze
scratch or rub
but be discrete.
Button-up, or zipper-down,
the strut, the strip
the tease.
Smash and grab, or snap the beat
tap-tap-tap, impatiently
rap sharply on the door.
Pick out texts
smoke cigarettes
count to ten, and more.

Or blow a kiss
her hand in his
her lips traced out with yours.
Her hand, beckoning
tongue, wettening
glistening red.

Doodle, fold
print, or trace
the scrap, the pad, the page.
Because blank space
is irresistible,
just as we prattle on
to fill the awkward pause.

The sign of the cross, hands laid-on,
the crisp salute
the handing-off.
Because with the language of touch
you are never lost,
talking with your hands
for the hard of hearing,
consoling the anguish
of the lonely and fearing.

Or jammed in your pockets, and stopped.
How hard you'll find it
holding them perfectly still.

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