Monday, November 18, 2013

Chaos Theory
Nov 12 2013

The trouble with history
is we know how it turned out.
We read the past
through the lens of inevitability,
with the smugness of now
harshly judge
they’re lack of vision.
What could they possibly have been thinking?
should not be merely rhetorical.
Because this
is what we need to know
if we are to learn anything;
their world-view,
their innocence, and ignorance
and utter certainty.

If only we studied history, said Santayana
we would not be condemned
to repeat it.
But then, when we do go back
we end up fighting the last war;
drowning in rat-filled trenches,
protecting the Negro
from himself.

As if there was such a thing as “the past”,
when there are many, and you choose your own.
Every nation, creed, and tribe
writing, and re-writing
their own revered version,
a history of victory, humiliation, and pride
and carefully nursed grievance.
The definite article
does not apply.

But for all of them
it was better, back then,
when life were simple
and purposes clear;
memory’s rough edges
sanded down.
While how troubled
the state of the world
here and now,
the bias of recency,
when it’s always a crisis
and we always inhabit
exceptional times.

For millennia
there was no future.
When we trusted in providence, not progress,
and life went on, much as it had  –
birthing and dying, working the land,
as did our forbears
and theirs, before them.

And if “the past” is a lie
then so is “the future”.
Because there are infinite futures,
that, like parallel worlds
exist at once.
So we proclaim “the future”
then all head off
in different directions,
so sure of ourselves.
As if cause and effect
were perfectly linear,
the future
a straight line from now.

But destiny changes
each fork in the road,
and there is no proportion
of cause.
Like a butterfly’s wings
the 100 year storm,
an asteroid
plunging from orbit.

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