Sunday, May 12, 2013

May 12 2013

The rabbits have turned.
Dun-coloured fur,
in the shrivelled grass,
on thinly nourishing straw.

Concealed by shade
a crust of snow persists;

white, in a murky thaw
as if at odds with the world.
Startled, darting off
he stands on top,
frozen, for a moment
a skittish creature's
fleeting pause.
Ears twitching, head cocked
he has the startled look of prey
who are never safe.
Even worse, betrayed
by clever camouflage.

I feel the shadow
of the bird of prey,
the thrum
of powerful wings
displacing air.
As if my own disguise
were just as transparent,
the penetrating glare
of an in-between world
where I feel as out-of-place
out of sync.

Then he dashes off
swiftly lost
in last year's fallow field.
A creature of flight
who depends on vigilance, and speed,
the unreliable art
of concealment.

And almost overnight, it seems
the grass is green

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