Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Seeing Glass
March 4 2008

Funny, what makes us human.
I was always taught it was tools
opposing thumbs
— the hitch-hiker as the apotheosis of man.

And then it was language
— politicians and telemarketers
the direct descendants of Adam.

Or moral philosophy, perhaps;
knowing right from wrong,
that great bulging cortex
rationalizing whatever we fancy.

It turns out to be the mirror, in fact.
That only we can gaze into a still clear pool
and see ourselves,
touching hands
a perfect match;
unsure if we are the half-full glass
or the half-empty.
And acutely aware
of the thinness in which we exist;
each moment, fleeing into the past
and every future fixed.

Because in the mirror, you see yourself alone
You are amazed at how realistic
surfaces appear,
and wonder what else has you fooled.

And you feel the first flush of fear, as well
— how easily you disappear
the instant the lights go out.

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