Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Jerk Chicken
March 4 2008

I use 1 cent stamps
and giant envelopes.

I practice parallel parking
with my eyes closed.

I like to keep people on their toes,
so I answer the phone “ahoy”
instead of “hello”.

I prefer snow shoes to snow shovels;
until the car emerges in spring.

I separate food groups by colour.
Today it’s red peppers
rare steak
and Blood Mary’s with Tabasco sauce.

I wear mismatched socks, clip-on ties, and mail-order suspenders;
plus a belt, just in case.

I always sit with my back to the wall,
like wanted men and double agents
master of the world I survey.

My brain can accommodate two utterly opposing views
at once,
untroubled by petty consistency.

I lie out on the grass at 2 am
looking up at the stars;
until the sky is full
and I slowly vanish
into insignificance.

I like coffee shops serving all-day breakfast.
Otherwise, I brown-bag it,
and eat supper for dinner.

Today is white
— mashed potatoes,
angel food cake,
jerk chicken.

Or sex in the kitchen
and dining out.

(By the way, I think it was Alexander Graham Bell (or was it Edison?) who proselytized for "ahoy" as the proper greeting for the newly invented telephone. As we now know, never really caught on! Seriously, this is true.

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