Monday, September 16, 2019

Busying Ourselves
Sept 13 2019

An all-day rain
and the dogs, always sensible creatures
curl up
in their accustomed places
warm and dry.

How comforting, to be inside.
A steady rain
and its gentle calming patter.
zig-zagging down the glass,
the fog of breath
as I stand and watch.

The light is uniform
in terms of place,
low grey cloud
blanketing the sky
out to the horizon.

And over time, as well,
the day settling in
without any sense
of the sun's diurnal passage,
no waxing or waning
just imperceptibly fading
to dusk.

What a gracious interlude
in the headlong rush of life.

Between the urgency
of our short and precious summer,
guilting us out
loathe to miss any fun.
The pressure-cooker heat
contained in its high-gauge steel.

And the exigencies
of winter to come;
when rain will turn to snow
which will fall silently
into deep impassable drifts,
leaving us stranded
and anxious for home.
Or wind-whipped and whited-out
have us leaning-in,
teeth gritted
eyelids frozen shut.
Busying ourselves
in the elemental struggle
with no luxury of time.

The dogs step out the door, pause and consider, then retreat back into the house where they curl-up in bed with me. They adjust themselves so instinctively to the weather: no urgency, no to-do list, no compulsion to master nature.

A literal all-day rain is rare. Nevertheless, under this leaden sky, it feels like it. What an excuse for even a driven personality (which I'm most definitely not!) to take a time-out. There is something in the air of this unseasonably cold September that gives permission. I think of busyness: the urgency of summer; the exigencies of winter. And now, in this in-between time, a welcome pause.

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