Saturday, April 27, 2013

Tapping Out
April 27 2013

In the art of Brazilian jiu jitsu
you save your life
by tapping out.

Pinned by this hard relentless man,
the sharp point of an elbow
crushing your neck,
breath ebbing, vision edging in,
you simply tap
and all is forgiven.

If only life
could be so simple;
grace in submission,
and absolute mastery
so sure of itself
compassion is a tap away.

Or you can hurt your brain
trying to understand
motivation, misdirection
Talk things out
in a civilized way,
without ever resolving
who has the upper hand
where either stands.

The martial artist
sees in white and black,
a zero sum game
of winners and losers,
who carry no grudge
feel each other's pain.
Who believe in respect,
leave ineffable love
to the dreamers, and theorists.

I crave this kind of clarity,
the mechanical body, methodical mind
in real time.

Crave instant relief,
with the ease 

of lifting a finger
a gentle nudge.

Crave a worthy opponent,
the certainty
of touch.

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