Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Hottest Day of the Year
Aug 1 2012

The hail pinged and zinged and ricocheted
sent us racing for shelter.
An attack of pinballs,
with the rat-a-tat-tat
of popping corn
blowing its top.

It came slanting down
in a furious free-for-all,
until the spent white balls
deflected harmless.
to remind us how small we are.

On the hottest day of the year
they would not last long,
tiny emissaries
from the frozen extremities of the atmosphere.
I snatched one up,
a flattened sphere
that looked like mother-of-pearl.
Felt its cold wet glisten
marvelled at the polished finish,
such fragile beauty
to have survived
such a quick and perilous fall.

A mote of dust
to begin,
it took mere minutes
to produce this perfect jewel,
scant seconds
to vanish in my hand.
For how many years
does an oyster secrete its pearl
around a bit of gritty sand?
A precious stone
that lasts.
So how much more
would this evanescent gem command,
if rarity
is the mark of worth?

And then
I popped it in my mouth,
burst of freshness
on the hottest day of the year.
An epic journey’s
inglorious end.

And after the hail
all the evidence
of my improbable tale
quickly expunged. 

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