Sunday, July 8, 2012

Weekly Visit
July 4 2012

The measure of happiness
is difficult.

That I can recite this passage
before, and after,
and she will light up, entranced
smile her thanks
as if the very first time.

Her favourite lines
read back.
I remember.

Yet I feel unworthy,
this reliable stanza
she has heard, and heard
and heard,
and thrills her still.
As if my credit
was undeserved,
her pleasure inauthentic.
That I had taken advantage
of her ingenuousness.

A man of sound mind
might envy this,
her singular focus
simple joy.
To be so completely filled
by these few familiar words,
while his head’s full of chatter
the constant distraction
of random thoughts.
But that’s not what I feel;
only fear
that I, too, may forget.

They say that as memory is stripped away
the true personality comes through,
one’s essence
So I am touched
by her gratitude
love for language,
this beautiful woman
who no longer knows my name.
Who knew
happiness worked this way?

So pure, and unconstrained.
That a damaged brain
may soon forget
but feels as intensely.
That joy
may quickly vanish
but is no less worthy.

Because if the measure
of true happiness
is that it lasts,
then nothing counts.
Just more sadness
in the world.

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