Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Snow Take Its Time
Dec 5 2010

Snow takes its time
getting to earth.
I can see the flurry in the distance,
snow in the shape of wind
swirling, hovering
even rising up,
on cold dense air.

Or perhaps, in winter
the law of gravity is inconsistent.
No different than everything else, it seems
this time of year.
When I walk on water,
awaken, in darkness,
constantly crave
sugar, fat, and starch.

Rain simply falls,
in sprinkles and showers
and cats and dogs.
In summer
a drenching sun.
And night, descending
at a sensible hour
all at once.

But the snow won’t come down
without tempting us
with mischief.
Watching it dance on the wind,
form bottomless drifts,
festoon the trees
with glitter.
Invite us to burrow in
to its unexpected warmth.

The man in the 3-piece suit
puts down his briefcase
scoops up a handful of snow,
and when no one’s looking
aims for a passing bus.
Perfect packing snow,
before the plough
carves an ice-hard snow bank,
before the salt and sand.

A small perfect window
when there are no rules.
When even gravity has gone out to play;
back, in a minute or two.

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