Monday, March 16, 2009

Out of the Blue
March 15 2009

The lightning came
from a clear blue sky.
An act of God, someone said.
I scoffed
“Why, that’s just insurance talk
for no one’s really responsible.
Why bring Him into it?”

Because while those mythic gods
messed about with vengeance
and lightning bolts
and lusting after mortals,
the prophetic God
leaves well enough alone.

It split an ancient oak,
the singed branch
the scarred trunk smoking.
When it hit,
I felt my hair stick-up
my skin prickle
my muscles twitch;
then couldn’t remember
what year this is.

I awoke,
soaked with rain
the sting of hail
the sky as grey as cinders.
We wondered whether the tree
would live or die.
We were surprised
there never was a rainbow.
A reminder of His promise
after 40 days and nights
of another Biblical storm.

I still have trouble remembering.
I feel His absence
even more.

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