Monday, December 22, 2008

Pleasing Symmetry
Dec 22 2008

I’m now sure when I stopped counting in months.
If I hadn’t, by now I’d be 600-plus,
instead of 50 something.
Because it seems, as life speeds up
counting by decade is close enough.

But the day will eventually come
when I’m told no more can be done —
only so many months
left to live.
I will count down
month by month
until each week, each day
is enormous enough
to contain a lifetime of meaning.
Hoping, of course
for the miracle cure,
the spontaneous remission,
the reprieve
handed-down from heaven.

And in that 2nd childhood of living
in the pleasing symmetry of its finish
I will have patience
for only the important stuff in life.
Measuring it out, as at the beginning
one month at a time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Curiously, I awoke a couple of weeks ago with the phrase "pleasing symmetry" stuck in my mind, like a fragment from a forgotten dream. I made it into a screen name even. Today, curiousity struck, and I thought it might be a phrase from a poem, and did a search, and found you here, with a poem just recently written, using my dream phrase so adeptly. I do believe in shared dreams, but it's curious, isn't it? I wonder if I already know you?

Right Brain, Left Brain, Burning Bright,
In the Deep Dreams of the Night,
What Immortal Hand or Eye,
Could Frame Thy Pleasing Symmetry?

(apologies to William Blake)