Monday, October 6, 2008

Geography 101
Oct 6 2008

A brief primer
for the directionally challenged.

Lesson 1: Prepositions.

It’s always up north.
Climbing through knee-high drifts;
covering latitude.

And down south, y’all;
dropping vowels,
inevitably letting your standards fall
in all that heat.

And out west,
leaving the comfort of home
for the frontier,
over the edge of a continent.

And finally, back east
where your journey started;
in some big city on a great lake
or by the sea,
on time
at ease.

Or you can descend
down into the bowels of the earth,
back through time
into deeper strata,
until you emerge on the far side of the planet.
Where any direction at all
will take you home.

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