Monday, September 22, 2008

The Game of Your Life
Sept 21 2008

They retire the numbers
of sports stars.
Hang them up
from the rafters of hockey rinks
or out by the bleacher seats;
giant jerseys
the effigies of heroes.

The rest of us
will hang up our smocks
our suit coats and frocks,
a gold watch and a handshake.
No one will recall
the emptied in-box and good team player,
the unused sick days
and on-time record.
Because there is no hall of fame
for office temps,
or manufacturers’ representatives.

And then you realize
that the sports hero you still idolize
was 20-something, back then
barely shaving,
40 years younger than you are.
Your own highlight
was even younger,
that goal you scored in overtime, a sophomore
in the game of your life.
Peaked early
you console yourself.

As they say
there’s no going home again.
The old arena
now apartment blocks . . .
the high school
shuttered and locked . . .
and who knows
where the trophies and banners have gone.

And all the home-coming queens
team captains and MVP’s,
long forgotten.

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