Saturday, July 12, 2008

Audi TT Roadster
July 10 2008

The ad said 0 to 100
in 6.1 seconds.
So who are these people
with too much money,
who measure out their lives
a tenth of a second at a time?

And how often do you go
from 0 to 100
Perhaps they come to a dead stop
on the on-ramp,
then floor it
— eyes forward,
white knuckles gripping the wheel,
then butting into line
come hell or high water.
And probably not even stopping
at 100;
which is, after all, mere child’s play
to the serious driver.

It takes a good 20 seconds
to nurse my old Jeep up to triple digits,
a whole 14 seconds more.
That’s precious time
I’ll never recover,
14 seconds gone.

14 seconds
driving into the setting sun.
When I look up
at a russet and magenta sky,
so stunning
I forget all about the drive.

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