Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Family Man
June 2 2008

The man who snapped,
who heard voices in his head
or was occupied by demons
or thought he was blessed,
executing the will of God.
And we are lost
to explain,
not a loner
or a failure
or unloved.
He was middle aged and middle class,
and incapable of so horrendous an act
say his friends.

Which would make anyone wonder
if we, too, have a switch in our heads,
a little toggle, where a random slip
or bad genetics
or some nasty rejection
could make us tip into incomprehensible evil.
How far a step
from swatting bugs
to the slaughterhouse
to this?
Because we have all consorted with death.
And he is everyman,
too close for comfort.

He was a family man
never known for violence.
And in his terrifying love,
would leave no one behind.

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